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HW & SW (V2 -- Prototype)

by Fabrizio Francione (Nara Network Japan)

The circuit for capturing the frequency and phase is relatively simple : A down-step transformer reduce the voltage to 9VAC then arrives to a zero cross
circuit (transistor based with an optocoupler) Then a schmitt trigger pass the signal in the DC area to two frequency dividers that reduces the mains
frequency detected to 1Hz , feeding the serial line of a laptop , where the software capture and elaborate the data.

Capturing API

The software for capturing the mains frequency is a modified version of the RFC 2783 written by U. Windl. One convenient means to provide a PPS signal to a computer system is to connect that signal to a modem-control pin on a serial-line interface to the computer. The Data Carrier Detect (DCD) pin is frequently used for this purpose. Typically, the time-code output of the time source is transmitted to the computer over the same serial line. The computer detects a signal transition on the DCD pin, usually by receiving an interrupt, and records a timestamp as soon as possible.

The typical use of this facility is for the operating system to record ("capture") a high-resolution timestamp as soon as possible after it detects a PPS signal transition (usually indicated by an interrupt). This timestamp can then be made available, with less stringent delay constraints, to time-related software. The software can compare the captured timestamp to the received time-code to accurately discover the offset between the system clock and the precise time source.

Although the primary purpose of this API is for capturing true pulse-per-second events, the API may also be used for accurately timestamping events of other periods, or even aperiodic events, when these can be expressed as signal transitions. In principle, the rate of events to be captured, or the frequency of the signals, can range from once per day (or less often) to several thousand per second. However, since in most implementations the timestamping function will be implemented as a processor interrupt at a relatively high priority, it is prudent to limit the rate of such events. This may be done either by mechanisms in the hardware that generates the signals, or by the operating system.

Although the basic implementation of the code in C is set up to receive the signal of "asserts" and "clears" for pulse-per-second signals, other types can still be recorded as well: as far as it relates to 50Hz being a relatively slow speed, it is possible to successfully capture all cycles of the frequency and later process them with other programs, which extract the phase in detail for example and set up formats with timestamps to be later depicted in graphs with GNUPLOT.

This is an example of when connecting a 9V (DB level) AC source at 50 Hz:

RFC 2783 has been slightly modified in order to have a better and clearer output from the serial line in order for a script to manipulate the data. Here is the raw output example:

assert 3430832 time 1683003744.594031762 delta 0.019984925 offset -405968238 jitter -11174
assert 3430833 time 1683003744.614030934 delta 0.019999172 offset -385969066 jitter 14247
assert 3430834 time 1683003744.634016207 delta 0.019985273 offset -365983793 jitter -13899
assert 3430835 time 1683003744.654010141 delta 0.019993934 offset -345989859 jitter 8661

assert 3430832 is the assert number. A (PPS for the purpose of this API) signal consists of a series of pulses, each with an "asserted" (logical true) phase, and a "clear" (logical false) phase. The two phases may be of different lengths. The API may capture an "assert timestamp" at the moment of the transition into the asserted phase, and a "clear timestamp" at the moment of the transition into the clear phase.

time 1683003744.594031762 is the timestamp detected with nanosecond precision, expressed in UNIX time. In the NTP protocol, "timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 32 bits. The precision of this representation is about 200 picoseconds."

delta 0.019984925 is the difference in time between the two timestamps.

offset -405968238 it is the offset around current second of the machine.

jitter -11174 jitter between event time stamps (delta of delta).

Time synchronization

In order to keep the laptop clock synchronized with a reliable time source such as a GPS or an Atomic clock thus being able to measure each power line cycle, Chrony has been used instead of the classic NTP, because it is faster than NTPD and uses a better algorithm for keeping the local clock as possible accurate to the source.

Chrony performs well in a wide range of conditions, including intermittent network connections, heavily congested networks, changing temperatures (ordinary computer clocks are sensitive to temperature), and systems that do not run continuously, or run on a virtual machine. Typical accuracy between two machines synchronized over the Internet is within a few milliseconds, and for machines on a LAN within tens of microseconds. Hardware timestamping or a hardware reference clock may improve accuracy between two machines synchronized to a sub-microsecond level.

A typical output from Chronyd is the following:

Reference ID     : 179C519B (
Stratum          : 4
Ref time (UTC)   : Tue May 02 08:51:02 2023
System time      : 0.000000048 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset      : -0.002801925 seconds
RMS offset       : 0.010625760 seconds
Frequency        : 24.133 ppm slow
Residual freq    : -0.591 ppm
Skew             : 10.939 ppm
Root delay       : 0.026025012 seconds
Root dispersion  : 0.004074866 seconds
Update interval  : 64.2 seconds
Leap status      : Normal

Which is more than enough to measure a low speed frequency such as 50/60 Hz.

Differences Between NTPD and chronyd

Things chronyd can do better than ntpd:

Developing Frequency and phase from the timestamps is not complicated. Here has been used a series of scripts, in Python for transformation and in BASH for system integration and upload to the webserver.

Using Numpy, Pandas and Allantools has been written a program (original version was created by myself in 2016 check the source) to extract the frequency from the timestamps series:


to the final result:


The program can do the same for the phase, which is a bit more complicated to extract precisely, extracting it from the frequency above:


To have a comparison in precision, the same frequency output has been tried inside Stable32, one of the most famous software for time/frequency measurements. There, the phase has been extracted and compared to the same one from the python program written. Just to be sure the data result is the same (and correct):

Data Normalization and capturing techniques

The result of capturing the 50Hz/60Hz without a proper filter from the amplitude modulated signals and noise has devastating effects on the measured phase in terms of time-shift. This is an example of connecting the 9vAC transformer directly to the serial line and capturing it as-it-is:

It's evident that the phase is totally shifted out, with 18 seconds (!) delay due to the noise in the mains captured as well! Not only glitches, but also amplitude modulated signals from mains noise are creating problems in measurements.

As stated also in the book The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill referring to PLLs and using them with 60Hz mains frequency:

In practice, that might not be the best choice for a PLL locked to the 60 Hz powerline because of the relatively high noise level present on the 60 Hz signal: many engineers have stumbled on this point, with a noisy reference signal causing false type-II triggering. With careful design of the analog input circuit (e.g., a lowpass filter followed by a Schmitt trigger) the type-II phase detector would likely perform satisfactorily; otherwise an exclusive-OR (type I) phase detector should be used.

Here is another example of the modulated signals captured by the device as using 50Hz (time in the first spectrogram are JST, not UTC):

From time to time, it is possible to have minor glitches , much more if mains are very disturbed by local appliances.
To avoid them a forwards-backwards exponential weighted moving average (FBEWMA) algorithm has been used , written in python.
In this way data normalization is more natural, filling eventually small gaps due to some glitches improved dramatically using this technique.

Data with glitches due to heavy mains noise before FBEWMA implementation:

after FBEWMA: